Bridge Loans

Don’t let a great

Opportunity pass you by. Take out a short-term bridge loan and get immediate access to the capital you need.

Take out a short-term bridge loan and get immediate access to the capital you need to fund your property development or investment opportunity. We provide high value bridge loans for property developers and investors for commercial and residential opportunities in the UK and internationally. We offer a repayment period of up to two years and will get you approved quickly so you have the capital you need. In some instances, we can offer Indicative Terms on the same day as your enquiry.

When approving a loan, we focus more on asset value than borrower covenants and specialise in complex funding scenarios. With over thirty years’ experience providing finance solutions, we pride ourselves on building long-term relationships and growing with our clients.

If you are interested in financing your property deal, we would love to hear from you. Please fill out our enquiry form and we will contact you.

What are the terms of a bridging loan from Infatrade?:

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